Set up File Request for One Drive:

With the file request feature in OneDrive or Sharepoint, you can choose a folder where others can upload files using a link that you send them. People you request files from can only upload files; they can't see the content of the folder, edit, delete, or download files, or even see who else has uploaded files. 


With a file request:


  • Anyone with the file request link can send you a file; they don't need to have OneDrive.


  • All the files sent to you are saved in a single folder that you choose.


  • Every file will have a prefix to help you identify who uploaded it.


  • If two files with the same name are uploaded, OneDrive will automatically add a number to the name of the second file.


  • People who respond to your request can only upload files. They can’t view or edit the contents of your OneDrive.


  1.  Create a file in your One Drive.
  2. Check the file box and click on Request Files


  1.  Request the name of the file you want the person to upload.  Next.

  1.  You have 2 options.  Copy link to send to anyone OR send to specific people.  Send.


  1.  The recipient will receive an email (I’d send to their SMSD ones, but I used my bubblers so you could see.)


  1.  Recipient will click on Upload Files, select file and upload. Will get finished message.


  1.  Sender will see files uploaded.


Note:   You can set an expiration date through manage access.  The link deletion can't be undone. If you need to start collecting files in this folder again, create a new file request on the folder and send your recipients a new link or email invitation.


Only pain part is requestor will receive notices of when someone submits.

Like with any OneDrive folder, you can give Erin Read rights as well.