Ad Hoc Views

An ad hoc view is a view of data based on a domain or topic. Ad hoc views allow you to visualize your data for analysis and report creation. An ad hoc view is the base structure of a report.

  • Domains are basic sets of data that can be configured and filtered before being added to a view using the Ad Hoc Editor, for example, the Demographics and Enrollment domain, which is a public domain. Data can be added from public domains; however, public domains cannot be modified.
  • Topics are sets of data configured by a user that can be added to an ad hoc view or report using the Ad Hoc Editor, for example, a student birthday list.

Create an Ad Hoc View

Follow these steps to create an ad hoc view.

Tip: You can open ad hoc views created by other users if they are made are available to you. If you make changes, you can then save it as your own.
  1. On the home screen, go to the Ad Hoc Views section and click Create. You can also click Create > Ad Hoc View from the toolbar. The Select Data window opens.
  2. Scroll to find the domain you want to select. Use the search box to narrow down your choices. Click  to view domains as a tree; click  to view as a list. These icons change from grey  to blue when selected.
  3. Highlight the selected domain. This examples uses the Demographics and Enrollment Domain found in the Public > Ad Hoc Components > DataSets > SIS > Demographic and Enrolment folder.
  4. Click Choose Data. The Choose Data screen opens on the Fieldstab.
  5. Click Arrow to open a folder.
  6. Add fields from the Source column to the Selected Fields column. To select fields, double-click and drag or use the direction buttons.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Go to the Pre-filters tab. A pre-filter restricts the data retrieved from the data source. Pre-filtering irrelevant data reduces the size of query results and processing time.
  9. Double click a field to use it as a pre-filter. The field opens in the Filters column.
  10. Enter the criteria to use as a filter. Standard pre-filters for almost any report are School_ID, School_Year, and Status_Flg, for example, School_Year equals 2020.
  11. Place a check in the Locked box if you want to lock this filter. By default, the Locked check box is unchecked, making the filter available to users running the report. If Locked is checked, it can be deleted, but not changed.
  12. Click OK to save a filter. Click OKat the bottom of the screen to complete Pre-filters.
  13. Use the Displayscreen to change the display name for fields, re-order fields, and pick the display type. You can:
    • Change the order of fields using the up and down buttons on the side of the screen.
    • Click a field name in the Display Label column. It becomes an editable field and can be changed to a more descriptive label.
    • The screen automatically displays fields as a Nested List. Click Flat List to change the display.
  14. Use the Format Visualization panel to add a Title and set Appearance options. This panel allows you to:
    • Show title
    • Data Detail
    • Show duplicate rows
  15. Click SAVE icon to save the ad hoc view. The Save As window opens.
  16. Enter the Data View Name (required) and Data View Description, and select a location.
  17. Click OK.