Process for Technology Equipment - Students who Come Mid-Year
NO equipment should be distributed until Loaner form is signed and fee is paid!!
Payment. This is Board Policy. Tech fee only applies to IFES/YBMS/BSHS. Students must pay tech fee in the office (exception: students on free/reduced lunch status)
Office staff update in Sapphire Demographics/Custom Demographics Technology Usage Fee Paid field: “Fee is Paid” or “Fee is not paid” or “Fee is Waived” for free/reduced lunch students. (screenshot below)
Payment should be sent to the district office with a note with student’s name/technology fee 22-23.
Loaner Form/AUP. Parents will sign online Loaner Form in Sapphire for ALL grade levels. When form is signed, it should show in the student’s Document Center under Forms/Notification Center/Other Notifications/Tech Loaner form 22—23 (screenshot below) as well as show as YES in the Demographics/Custom Demographics screen AUP 1:1 Laptop field
If a physical form was given and signed (this is NOT recommended), then the form must be scanned and uploaded to the student’s Document Center/Other Notifications/ and named Technology Loaner form 22-23 AND you must physically change the AUP 1:1 Laptop Field to YES.
Process for Students who LEAVE Mid-Year: (or graduate early/drop out)
Designated secretary creates help ticket with student name/withdrawal date. You can add [email protected] to your withdrawal email which will create a help ticket for you.
Designated secretary ensures equipment is returned to counseling office (BSHS) or office (YBMS) who notifies tech by updating the original help ticket, for pickup by technicians.
The building secretary at IFES/RICE gets equipment for that student back from the teacher and keeps in the office. Updates original ticket to show that it is collected and in office for technician to pick up.
Technology Department should be notified of equipment that is not returned so it can be invoiced.
Do NOT give new students equipment from a departing student. We are trying very hard to have accurate inventory and this messes everything up.