Google Translate All

Google Translate All App was recently pushed out to all accounts.

Translate All is supported by Google Docs™, Google Sheets™ and Google Slides™.

Few options are available, depending on the app the user is using the Add-On:

• Duplicate tab (Google Sheets™)

• Override content (Google Docs™)

• All in 1-click (Google Slides™)

More than 100 languages are available!


In Google (Doc, Slides & Sheets) on the right-hand side pop out there is an icon “Translate”.  (The first time you use it, you may be prompted to Allow or Accept the terms.)

To Translate a Document.

  1.  Launch the Translate All App from the side bar.


  1.  Click  Start at the bottom of the screen.  



  1.  Choose your Source Language (can leave at Detect Language) and Target Language from the drop down.  



If you want the document to show the English and the Translated language, leave “override doc content” OFF.



If you want to replace the original text with the translated text, turn ON.



  1.  Highlight your text and click Translate


  1.  Message shows that it successfully translated


NOTE:  If you get the following message, you forgot to select your text before clicking Translate.