How do I Nickname my Canvas Courses?

Canvas courses are created using the Sapphire course names which are names based on course/section numbers, and courses with similar names may be hard to distinguish.

You can create a Course Nickname to help you identify courses.  Course nicknames appear in the Dashboard, Course Navigation Menu, course breadcrumbs, and notification emails.

A course nickname does not affect the course name at the account or course level; it only changes the name of the course for the individual user who created the nickname.

If you need to know the original name of the course, you can hover over the nickname and the original name will appear. Additionally, the course code is not affected and is always displayed on the course card for course reference.





  1.  Go to your Canvas Dashboard

  1.  Click on the Properties Icon (3 vertical dots) for the class card you want to nickname

This displays the properties panel for that class card.

  1.  Edit the Nickname box, then click Apply