
Finish the old year and get ready for the new AFTER you are done with your Google Classroom for this year.

Do NOT Delete the Classroom Folder in your Google Drive.  This keeps Classroom functioning properly!!!  Repeat:  Do NOT Delete the Classroom Folder in your Google Drive 

1.  Return all student work in Google Classroom. This transfers the ownership back to the student so their files aren't clogging up your Google Drive account. In your Google Classroom, go to Grades and select the three dots/Return all for each assignment.

2.  Archive your Course rather than deleting it.  This prevents students from submitting assignments or adding new comments.  Teachers can still access and revisit them when they want so you will be able to reuse assignments from an archived classroom in your next year's classroom.

  1. Go to
  2. On the class card, click More (the three dots in the upper right corner)  then click Archive.
  3. Click Archive to confirm.

Archive your Google Classroom video:

3.  Keep Files in the "Shared with Me" folder.  You can't clean up "Shared with Me".  It's a filter, not a folder.  Leave it alone.

4.  Delete Old Class Calendars (through Google Calendar)  to help you declutter your Google Classroom.

5. Clean up your Google Drive files.  Create a folder called "Archive" of "School Year 20-21" to "hide" files you no longer need but don't want to delete "just in case".