Parent/Student Applications

From the SIS menu bar, go to Utilities > Community Portal Maintenance > Parent/Student Applications.

A user must belong to a security group with the following security rights in order to access these screens:

Security Right: SIS: Access and CWP: Approve Applications.

For more information, see About Security Groups.

Parent and student applications open as separate lists in table form. By default, pending applications from the current year and school that you are logged in to display.

  1. Change the criteria for the displayed applications by selecting other options from the drop-downs.
    • Show Applications: can be set to Pending, All Applications, Approved, or Denied.
    • From: can be set to the Current Year or All Years.
    • Student School: can be set to any one or all schools in the district.
  2. After a display option is changed click 

View Applications

  1. Click on a row to view an application. The application screen opens, displaying the applicant's name, relationship, address, username, telephone, and e-mail.
    • In the Matching Students section the applicant's name, data of birth, grade and school displays, along with potential matching students. If there is no system match, the Student ID number can be used to match the student with an enrolled student record.
    • The buttons at the bottom of the screen allow you to approve, decline, or delete an application if it has not already been approved.
  2. Tip: Use the DELETE Application button when no record of the application is needed, such as if a parent has mistakenly submitted multiple applications. To declined an application, use the Decline Application button to maintain a record in the SIS.

Approve Applications

A parent application that is pending approval opens with the parent applicant's information and the requested student information.

Below that, potential matches list for the requested student. To the left of each student name is a percentage that indicates how closely the information provided by the parent matches the information stored in Sapphire. If the information matches exactly, the number is 100%. Sometimes, due to typos or formatting differences this number is less than 100%. If multiple students are found that closely match the information provided, those students display in match order.

To view more details about a student, click on the student's name.

  1. Select the student. The closest match is pre-selected. If that is not the correct match, select the correct match using the radio buttons. If the matched student does not appear, their student ID number can be entered. If no student can be matched, the application cannot be approved.
  2. Select the Person Contact Type from the drop-down. This is required.
  3. Select the associated person. The applicant's information displays, followed by potential matches. A person must be associated with the application. If the parent does not exist in Sapphire, click the radio button for Create a New Person for this user.
  4. This screen allows the option to merge the applicant to a selected person in the Applicant Information list. See the section on Sapphire People for details on managing person accounts.
  5. Click Approve Application.

A message similar to this returns:

Decline Applications

There are a number of reasons you may have to decline an application. For example, if there is no student match, you will have to decline the application.

  1. To deny an application click Decline Application.
  2. The Decline Application window opens. Enter a reason for declining the application and click Decline. The reason is only visible to SIS users with CWP security group rights.
  3. The message "Application denied. The Applicant has been notified." returns.